Photo by Stefano Zocca on Unsplash
I am drowning out
the need to breathe.
I hold my breath
and dive in deep.
submerged in you,
I am weightless, clean.
two things I can never be.
wash over me and fill me up,
I will never get enough of you.
my water balloon lungs
inflate and scream,
how could you do this to me?
it’s a shame
that such a pretty face
got lost in your waves.
the push and the pull,
the gravitating lull
of insatiable thirst,
you’d think drowning
would hurt worse.
but drowning
is nothing compared
to the pounding
in my head.
nothing compared
to lying in bed
and reliving us
again and again.
but, by drowning,
the nightmare ends.
under the water,
I can breathe again.
From my newest poetry collection, CARNAGE. Available now on Amazon.
Click here.