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The Bulletproof Girl

I’ve always been an easy target.

Naturally blonde,

forever too fond,

and too easily forgotten.

My wings are easily clipped

bones often chipped

back always whipped

my blood too bitter to sip

without a chaser,

something to erase

the taste of “her”:

the bulletproof girl

with a spine of pearls

too fragile to withstand

your white-knuckled hands.

I’ve always been an easy target,

so paper thin

you can see straight through

the holes you shot in me.

And you’ve shot me down

more times than I can count

and I’ve survived

more times than I’d like.

But try as I might

to put my bleeding heart

back where it belongs,

it slips through my fingertips

into your waiting arms –

the same arms

that tore it from its place

and rubbed it in my face.

I’ve always been an easy target,

with tears that run red

and pandemonic dread

that can’t hide from you

because it can’t stop screaming,

can’t stop believing

someone will rescue me

before my vocal cords bleed

along with the rest of me.

But targets don’t get rescued;

they get used and thrown away

when they are too damaged

to continue.

I’ve always been an easy target.

Easily broken down,

walked on and beat around.

But these mangled bones

are more than target practice.

They are my foundation,

my molten core.

You can fracture them

but I will fill them with gold,

increase their worth tenfold.

They will stand firm

never squirm

never learn

how to fully break.

I may be an easy target,

but I am resilience incarnate.

I stand strong through it all,

but I get up if I fall.

I may be an easy target,

but you can’t shoot

and keep me down.

I am bulletproof,

no matter what you shoot at me.


Please share with your friends. And don't forget to pick up your copy of my debut book Flames Speak on Amazon!

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