Photo by Slavcho Malezanov on Unsplash
I loved you
down to the bone.
every atom in my body
called yours h o m e.
they gnawed
their way
out of my
their catacombs
and crawled
their way
to you.
I petrified waiting for you
to return what you stole:
m y h o p e.
my soul died
in a body that
wasn’t mine.
a vacant host,
I stumble down
to rock bottom,
buried alive
by the devil inside
who plotted
with my ghost.
you were the one
I loved t h e m o s t.
but the byline
on my tombstone lied.
I survived my darkest night.
you waged a war
you couldn’t win,
so, I dig,
an archeologist
in her own skin,
to unearth the broken heart
you buried within her.
I will coax her out,
and watch her
c o m e t o l i f e again.
From my newest poetry collection, CARNAGE. Available now on Amazon.
Click here.