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Writer's pictureJenna Malin


Now, keep in mind, these are in no particular order. That would be too difficult to determine. It was hard enough to narrow down the top ten... and even now, it's not quite ten. Because I can't decide. Without further ado:

#1 you can't kill us

by icon for hire

Anytime I recommend this band, this is the album I refer them to. With the one exception of the track "Invincible" (which just, in my opinion, shouldn't be so "poppy" and electronic. it sounds awkward in comparison to the rest of the songs), it's a flawless masterpiece. Multiple songs have a seriously special place in my heart, including "Supposed to Be" and the title track "You Can't Kill Us".

Seriously. If you haven't listened to this album yet, you should. Don't make me fight you.

Best song on the album: "Supposed to Be"

#2 the open door

by evanescence

Anyone who knows me personally shouldn't be surprised Evanescence made this list. As they have been a favorite of mine since I was a wee lady (and by that, I mean maybe ten years old). My sister had a burned copy of their album Fallen, but despite it's popularity, "Bring Me To Life" was not the first track of theirs I heard and fell in love with. It was "Taking Over Me".

And when I found out years after discovering them, that they'd released a new album, "The Open Door", without my knowledge, I was desperate for it. I remember hunting it down and falling in love with it almost immediately. Its moody and dark themes along with its head-bangability has secured it safely in my top ten albums for the last fifteen years. Even with their latest release, The Bitter Truth, it still holds its pedestal and wears its crown high!

Best song on the album: "Weight of the World"

#3 every pvris album ever

If you've heard these, you can't blame me for being unable to pick just one Pvris album. It would be a losing battle. When my friend Malisa sent me "Holy" from their debut White Noise right before Warped Tour 2014, I was hooked. And ever since then, they haven't released a single bad song. Lynn is incomparable as a singer, lyricist, and musician. All of their EPs, their live recordings, anything she is featured in.... freakin' perfection. I honestly don't think there's anything Lynn can't make sound good.

Best songs on each album:

White Noise - "St. Patrick"

All We Know of Heaven, All We Need of Hell - "What's Wrong"

Use Me - "Wish You Well"

#4 trauma by i prevail

A truly unskippable album. Each song belongs here. It's got just enough heavy rock, relatable moody/emotional tracks, and the perfect amount of screaming and rapping.

I loved this album so much, when they released Post-Traumatic, a live compilation of this album, I bought it without question so I could rock out to it in my living room whenever I want. Trust me. You want this album.

It's perfect for working out, for rage-screaming in your car on a bad day, or for singing when you're sad ("Let Me Be Sad" is hella emotional... and perfectly wonderful). If you like heavy rock or metal, don't sleep on this one.

Best song on the album: "Rise Above It"

#5 car train ship plane

by karmina

These two sisters have such a beautiful bond that is so prevalent in their music. They're both extremely talented musicians and singers, and they don't compromise their love for music for anything. They've had a few viral hits in the past (like "The Kiss" which was featured on multiple shows, including CSI:NY) but in my opinion, they're still among the most underrated, unappreciated artists out there. This album has absolutely zero skips. Zero.

Best song on the album: "Sympathy"

#6 dark divine

by like moths to flames

If you like punk rock/heavy rock/screamo, whatever you wanna call it, this album is for you. Another zero-skip album, Dark Divine is a masterpiece from start to finish. Every single song sounds like it belongs and bleeds beautifully into the next. I think lyrically, it's the most touching out of all their albums (although, I must admit, I don't know them all by heart). It dives deep into the darkness of the heart and turns all your monsters into music.

It also has the perfect balance of clean vocals/screaming. Personally, I like a little bit of both in my music. Too much screamo is... well, too much for me. Like Lacey Sturm once said, "Some lyrics, if sung honestly, must be screamed," which rings true for me. And this album embodies that perfectly. It's emotional, hard-hitting, and an overall 10/10.

Best song on the album: "The Skeletons I Keep"

#7 How to Save a Life

by the fray

This one is an oldie, but a goodie. I remember listening to this back when I first started loving and obsessing over music. The title track was something I couldn't quite relate to in the literal sense, but I experienced loss at a very young age. Not death, but loss.

Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend somewhere along in the bitterness.

To this day, that song sings volumes to me. The whole album does! From the emotional songs "How to Save a Life" and "Look After You" and danceable and relatable "Over My Head" and "She Is", this album was popular for a reason. And stuck in my top ten where it rightfully belongs. It's one of the few I always fall back to and pretty much always have in my car during every season change. (I mean, come on. It's the perfect soundtrack for small-town cruises with the windows down when you're feeling some type of way. Go ahead, try it. Prove me wrong.)

Best song on the album: "How to Save a Life"

#8 Going to hell

by the pretty reckless

I don't know about you... but that intro? OOF. Steamy. I'm here for it.

Going to Hell is their sophomore album and, without a doubt, their best. They've release two since that haven't compared. This has a little bit of everything, and Taylor's voice is SO unique. This album is a perfect showcase of her range and her specific style. She hits everything: the soft and sad notes, the "I'm singing my anger" growling (that lowkey reminds me of Lzzy Hale), and her beautifully perfect bluesy tones.

Honestly, if you're not into The Pretty Reckless... what are you into? Because she can sing everything. And this album has it all.

Best song on the album: "Absolution"

#9 How to be Human

by the classic crime

The Classic Crime has been a favorite of mine since high school. First introduced by my long-time friend Sarah, their song "The Fight" from the album Albatross really sealed the deal for me.

After a three-album record deal with Tooth and Nail (BLECH THEY SUCK), they went on to successfully crowdfund and release FOUR more amazing albums (three of which I personally helped fund, and the final of which is currently in production).

And after carefully consideration, I finally determined which of all of those is my absolute favorite. It was a tough call, but between Phoenix and How to be Human, the latter took the cake.

It's just.... literally perfect. I don't have a whole bunch of smart-sounding stuff to say about it.... it's just awesome. It has a lot of buildups and "calm downs" and the transitions are spot on. Don't sleep on this band, or this album.

Best song on the album: "Not Done With You Yet"

and finally...

#10 sundowning

by sleep token

Sleep Token is one of those bands that will remain a mystery. Their members are all anonymous (like Ghost) with characters and their own deity to worship... it's so weird. But the music is so amazing I don't even care.

The vocalist kinda reminds me of the singer in Imagine Dragons... but better. His voice fits perfectly with the music and it really moves you. The lyrics, the music, that voice... 20/10. No complaints. Or, as Schmidt told Nick about Pepperwood,


Best song on the album: "The Offering"


You can pretty much guarantee I'm listening to any one of these albums at any given time. I'm pretty sure at least three of these albums are forever stuck in my car.

I hope you find a new favorite album or artist in these hidden/not-so-hidden gems, or rediscover old favorites and reopen old wounds. Of course, in the happily therapeutic-type way.

Stay tuned for more poetry and book two updates!

Love, Jenna

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