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Writer's pictureJenna Malin


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

when you decided to break me,

did you have to do it so violently?

you were bloodthirsty, barbaric.

you showed no mercy, no regard

for what your hands were doing to me.

not a care in the world as disaster unfurled

right before your very eyes, unfazed.

mine glazed over, waited for the pain to cease.

for the bleeding to slow; for you to weave the perfect lie:

“no one will believe you. you are out of your mind.”

we met a carnal ending, you and me.

a malevolent reckoning, an abandoning of all hope.

when you cut me out of your life,

you didn’t just nick the skin.

you plunged the blade heart-deep

and, with a sickening twist,

severed the artery connecting us.

I bled for us, fought, screamed, and wept for us,

but I won’t waste another second grieving us.

not another drop of blood or bead of sweat.

not another tear. not an ounce of lament.

my heart survived a ruthless shredding

I will spend a lifetime mending,

but now I know that losing you only means

the end of us, not the end of me.

it means I get to write my own ending.


You can check out "Malevolent Mendings" and more poems in my chapbook BONE WEAVING, available now on Amazon. Order the paperback here.

Check out my other titles below:

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