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Writer's pictureJenna Malin

First Draft of Book Two... Finished!!!!!!!



Everything is just so complicated and crazy lately. I'm trying to focus on myself and writing, but working and life always seems to get in the way and make me feel so fuzzy. I hate that. It's not fair!!!

So, I'm taking the process super slow. Now that the first draft is finished, I'm going to wait a while before looking at it again. I'll keep writing in the meantime, but I'm dealing with some medical/physical stuff on TOP of trying to keep my mental health in check. Having to pick your battles (even though, like Jackie, "i'm full of rage and want to pick them all") is so taxing. PICKING your battles is a battle in itself that takes up half the gas in your already low tank.

Therapy has been taking a lot out of me. We're working on processing more of the deeper traumas that I straight up am NOT ready for. So one session will leave me drained for a whole day or two after that session is over with. On the bright side of that though, it's helping me write some SUPER dark poetry that will definitely make it in the next book XD

And some more good news is that I've only had one migraine in the last two weeks. And it only lasted one day. So thank GOODNESS my doctor gave me a note to wear a face shield instead of a mask at work. I didn't think it was gonna do anything, but WOW. I've already noticed a difference!

(For some background info, I've suffered from migraines monthly for as long as I can remember. I'd typically have one or two a month, each one lasting between 1-3 days and varying in severity. But, in the last six months, I've gone from the 2-6 migraine days to 15-20 per month. All above a 7/10 where I'm seeing spots, auras, feeling nauseous/vomiting, dizzy, lightheaded, claustrophobic, and hypersensitive to light and sound and smell. I was leaving work maybe once a week they were so severe.)

For a while, I've been doing the bare minimum of my "writing daily" requirement. I was sleeping in as late as I could and going straight to bed upon coming home. I was straight up MISERABLE. But now that I'm not being plagued by almost DAILY migraines, I've been more productive again. So YAYYYY.

That being said.... I'm still not rushing book two. I'm gonna take my sweet time with it. Hopefully, I have it finished by the end of the year (which is entirely possible) but I'm not putting a time frame on it. I want it to be PERFECT. I might search for a proofreader/editor when I've got the second draft done. And I'll need some ideas for the cover art too! I've got one or two dudes who've volunteered to make some for me, so we'll see what happens with that.

Dammit. I gotta get ready for work now. Excuse me while I go CRY.

Love over all,

Jenna <3

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