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Writer's pictureJenna Malin


Photo by Sofia Sforza on Unsplash

black and white picture of a woman with a veil around her eyes pointing a gun off-camera

you punched through me like a bullet.

explosive. deafening. smoke spilling

from the gaping wound like a cigarette.

the pungent scent inflates my lungs. invades. floods.

I gasp, pant, gulp for air. chest burning. body squirming.

I shake my head no. please, don’t. leave me be.

shell casings rattle in my teeth,

scorched lead singeing my mouth.

I spit them out. blood spattering. earth shattering.

copper clattering to the ground. clink-clink. splatter.

fist in my ribs, you ask, what’s the matter?

but I have no answer. I am speechless.

the torture, ceaseless. resistance, futile.

you seize my heart and twist.

just give in, you say, hand it over.

I’ll make it worth your while.

so, I did. and you left me lying here,

feeling hollow and worthless. you admire me

with the same wicked smile that lured me in.

bone-chilling. venomous. skin-crawling.

clawing at my skin, ripping my heart to shreds with

your teeth. I lie completely still. mangled. bleeding.

I trusted you.

how could you do this to me?


You can check out "Clink Clink Clatter" and more poems in my upcoming chapbook BONE WEAVING, available on Amazon June 11th, 2023. Preorder the eBook here.

In the meantime, check out my other titles below:

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Jun 05, 2023

This one got a different taste 👌

Jenna Malin
Jenna Malin
Jun 05, 2023
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thank you 😍😍

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