Photo by Alexander Sinn on Unsplash
i sit and stare
at the wall,
feeling so much,
i feel nothing
at all.
i’ve become so numb
i don’t
b r e a k
my fall.
because broken wrists
are nothing compared
to your fists
in my hair.
nothing compared
to the way you
n e v e r c a r e d.
i’ve become
so numb
i can't feel you cut
a hole in my gut,
i can't feel you
reaching up
to puncture my lungs,
to steal my heart for fun
and throw it in the trash
when you’re done.
no, i’m so numb
i cant feel
a n y o n e ’ s love.
all i can feel
is this empty shell
you left me with,
a vacant hell
i shiver in,
a black abyss
t r a p p e d in skin.
so, sometimes
i sit and stare
at the wall.
everything and
n o t h i n g at all.
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